Peering Over/Looking Back, pt 2. projection transfer

once the drawing is done i throw it into this beauty. you may recognize it from an old flickr set. i call it J.J. after my good friend J.J.Hommel who sent it to me from sunny California many years ago. he knew of a film industry storage room FULL of them. i got this one in trade for a little painting. it takes a one thousand watt bulb!

i staple the loose canvas to the wall and get the projection to the right size. in this case about 24 x 24″.

the projected lines are just barely visible. i have to do the the transfer when it’s dark out (usually early in the morning) otherwise the big windows flood the room with too much light. i use a red brush pen for the re-drawing.

after the whole thing is transferred i’ll go in with a black paint brush pen to make a few bits pop.

and here’s how it looks all transferred and waiting to kick ass…

next time paint will fly.

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