this very rare Eddy Table vinyl toy was lovingly, painstakingly crafted by the great CRITTERBOX TOYS, sculpted by Colin Batty. the box even includes a 2-pg comicstrip on the back that explains how the character of Eddy is duplicated in vinyl and imprisoned forever in a the toy’s packaging.
Eddy Table vinyl toy
plastic window to be signed with a sketch and personalized upon request
$140 (shipping/handling TBD)
Email me to place an order: davegrfx@magma.ca

DINN VEN- EDDY TABLE (translation: your pal- Eddy Table)

our Norwegian mini-epic is about 90% complete. it’s been a long, exciting journey and creatively i think we are all feeling roughly equivalent to Eddy in the below shot, ha ha! it’s hard to believe those Norwegian wizards were able to make my pencil doodles come to life this way. kudos to my great friends/collaborators, Eric, Rune, Johan, Dani, Oddne, and Anne. more to come in the coming year…Screen shot 2014-03-07 at 2.03.02 PM