grueling 5-year-long job interview ends in TRIUMPH!!!

for those of you who’ve been following my NICKLDN tv development journey, i’d like to virtually grab you by the shoulders, shake you dizzy, and scream into your shocked face that johnny’s and my tv show PIGGOATBANANACRICKET just got a GREENLIGHT from the head NICKLDN honcho in NYC!! we have our own tv show, guys!!! below are johnny’s and my texts to each other a few hours after the big news. i was drunk in the lovely town of Wakefield Quebec, giddily processing with two of my best friends in the world!!

4 replies
  1. Andrew Cooper
    Andrew Cooper says:

    Huge congratulations to the both of you (and all the others I don’t know about). This is weird is right! But not weirder than the show so you might be at comfort with it already, just not know.

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