The Horrifying Box Cutter Incident
it’s not often there’s this much drama and carnage at the DaveGraphics International head office! let’s just say, next time you need to build a box for the biggest poster you’ve ever produced* for a Swede living in SanFrancisco, take greater-than-usual care!
* it’s a 6″ tall, bus-shelter-sized poster from the Holland Animation Festival that i did several years ago. i just unearthed a few- i’ll offer them eventually in the soon-to-grow Prints section
You better not have blead on anything important! And what are you doing leaking blood? Shouldn’t you be spoiled with some sort of thick syrupy gelatinous substance.
dude, just ’cause it’s red like yours, doesn’t mean it’s not thick, syrupy, AND gelatinous. worth mentioning here is that it also smells like strawberry jam and tastes like victory.
Bet you could get $50.00 for the items you bled on!
(just a thought.)
Heal quick and thoroughly
(you clumsy oaf.)
xo S