perky smear

you gotta love this guy for sheer unflappable positivity! put into the same position, i can’t guarantee i wouldn’t let my ears droop a little.

my great friend and studio mate, Dave Fels!

click below for link:

yay, Charlotte!

HEY HEY! i’m going to HeroesCon in Charlotte NC this weekend! you gotta come say hi! i’m at table AA 515!


Ottawa’s great Mayfair Theatre is celebrating it’s 80th birthday!!
…and now that distributors aren’t shipping film prints anymore, the Mayfair needs to score a $55K digital projector!! so as part of their fundraising initiatives, i’ve contributed two signed books to be auctioned off.
both the kid’s “Bagel’s Lucky Hat”, and the grown-up “Bent” have fold-out sketch/signature pages taped right in!
if you want to bid on the books come to their super-fun “Indiana Jones and the Projector Quest” events, they’re on June 23rd at 1:00pm, and June 26th at 6:30pm. Admission $15

my son's StomachFace

drawn by (and on) the multi-talented Jake Cooper!


Did Your Just Look at My Chest?

Peering Over/Looking Back, pt 8 (final).

ah, that last day. just reaping the rewards of all those days and days of figuring and hair-pulling. validation that you DID know what you were doing after all. during the whole process i do my best to keep the well-defined things somewhat obscure, and to keep the diffuse, ill-defined things readable and palpable. it’s like making everything work in the middle where there are no absolute darks or lights. but then at the very end i allow myself those intensities where they’re absolutely necessary and where they’ll make things pop.

Peering Over/Looking Back, pt 7.

here are a couple of shots that were taken during several of the final days on “Peering”. things got a little too dense and saturated -as they often do- so i obscured/lightened quite a few things with some semi-opaque glazes and opaque marks. it’s always good to unsettle areas that are too precious and defined– i find it can restore a spirit of authenticity and spontaneity sometimes.
it’s frustrating as hell not knowing where you’re going in the middle phases, but it does lead to this great mistake-making, and repeated give/take that ultimately gives the piece character and a kind of patina.
and just as plopping down confident white highlights can give you a rush of accomplishment, drawing authoritative, bright, opaque lines on a muddy, sloppy area can feel like you’re creating order with the hand of god. like tidying a room with the wave of your hand. if only the whole process was like that.


this is Simon. he is our neighbour. Simon’s mission is to ensure that there are plenty of British things on the street; him, his accent, the beer he drinks, the bands whose shirts he wears, the cars he buys/re-conditions/drives. CRIKEY, Simon, well done!

my boy the 9 yr old rebel! (mama disapproves, but really– kinda clever that he uses the wrong finger as a kind of loophole)